Saturday, September 3, 2011

 Southend on sea, UK

Friday, August 19, 2011


Violeta Saberon,Brenalee Bagarra,Glenda Villa-Gullen,Nancy Tilley,Nohree Bohrer and the one and only Nonong Europa

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whew! I made it!

Last month I was scheduled to take the Care Giving NC -II in one of the schools in  Davao City. I was planning it for a couple of months now but not until a good friend of mine encourage me to take the assessment examination. I  got only 2 days to refresh all the Clinical procedures in nursing, again with the help of my friend  I was able to review some of it. It was a Friday when the examination took place, I was half prepared and half not quite so. I was driving on the way to the place at the same time trying to recall the steps in every procedures as fa as my mind can recall. At last I am inside the testing area, where I saw a lot of students in uniform with the school where they came from but not the same with me who happens to be had a uniform of my own. I am still wondering how I am going to pass such assessment test with a wrapping two hours of  review.  But not until the assessor came in, she was a bit late and she started to introduce herself as the best assessor for her, Oh my God! help me, this is a battle of knowledge, skills, and attitude. We were instructed to do the crutch walking procedures and the rest were performs simultaneously for the ten of us inside the Fundamental Laboratory. We had our break by 11:30pm and yet we were asked to prepare  a Diabetic diet. We  resume by 1:00 pm and the whole afternoon of assessing. And finally its a quarter to five when our assessor made all her comments on all  what she had observed for the day. Final decision!! We all Passed!and  We made it!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


  • HEALTH- health is not only to well, but to be able to use well being power we have.
  • ENVIRONMENT- anything that can be manipulated to place a patient in the best possible condition for nature to act.
  • PERSON- the one who is receiving the care, dynamic, complex being. Physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual components.
  • NURSING- science of environment management, nurses uses common sense, observation and ingenuity to allow nature to be effectively repair the patient.


1.  ENVIRONMENT – all external conditions and influences that affect life and development
2.  PERSON- individual requiring assistance to achieve health and independence or peaceful death. Mind and body are inseparable.
3.  HEALTH – equated with independence, viewed in terms of the client’s ability to perform 14 components of nursing care unaided. Nurses needs to stress promotion of health and prevention and cure of disease. Health is affected by age, cultural background, physical and intellectual capacities and emotional balance.
4.  NURSING- Assists and supports the individual in life activities and attainment of independence. PURPOSE: to assist the client in gaining independence as rapidly as possible.” I say that the nurse does for others what they would do for themselves if they had the strength, will and knowledge, but I go on to say that the nurse makes the patient independent of him or her ASAP.

  1. ENVIRONMENT – society is included in planning for optimum health on local state, national, and international levels. The environment is the home or community for which patient comes.
  2. PERSON- people as having physical, emotional and sociological needs. Patient is described as the only justification for the existence of nursing. Individuals and families are the recipient of nursing.
  3. HEALTH – total health needs and healthy state of mind and body .
  4. NURSING – is a helping profession. Nursing are broadly grouped into the 21 nsg problem areas to guide care and promote use if nursing judgment.  as comprehensive service that is based of art and science and ims to help people, sick or well, cope with their health needs.


1.  ENVIRONMENT – relates to the environment of which the individual exists. An individual’s behavior is influenced by the events in the environment.
2. PERSON- a human being having two major systems, biological systems and behavioral system. Nursing focus on the behavior; Medicine focus on the biological system.
3.  HEALTH – is a purposeful adaptive response, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially to internal and external stimuli in order to maintain stability and comfort.
4.  NURSING- has s primary goal that is to foster equilibrium within the individual. Major focus is to maintain balance in the behavioral system when illness occurs in the individual.


  1. ENVIRONMENT – background for human interactions. It involves : internal environment and external environment
  2. PERSON- is social being who is rational and sentient. Ability to perceive, think, feel, choose, set goals, and make decisions.
  3. HEALTH – involves dynamic life experiences of a human being which implies continuous adjustment to stressors in internal and external environment. Through the optimum use of one’s resources to achieve maximum potential for daily living.
  4. NURSING – A process of action, reaction, interaction by which the nurse and client share information about their perception in nursing situation. 


  1. ENVIRONMENT- world view, social structure is closely related to  concept of culture.
  2. PERSON- referred to as human being, caring and capable of being concerned to others.
  3. HEALTH – viewed as state of well being
  4. NURSING – as a learned humanistic art and science that focuses on personalized behavior, functions, processes to promote and maintain health or recovery from illness. Uses 3 modes of nursing action
    • culture  care preservation or maintenance,
    • culture care accommodation or negotiation
    • culture care restructuring


  1. ENVIRONMENT – Completes the wholeness of the individual. The individual has both an internal and external environment.
  2. PERSON – Is a holistic being who constantly strives to preserve wholeness and integrity .
  3. HEALTH – the avenue of return to the daily activities compromised by ill health. Patterns of adaptive change.
  4. NURSING – Involves engaging human interactions

  1. ENVIRONMENT – seen as the totality of the internal and external forces which surround a person and with which they interact at any given time.
  2. PERSON – layered multidimentional physical/physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, developmental, spiritual
  3. HEALTH – as being equated with wellness, conditions in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole client.
  4. NURSING – a unique profession  that is concerned with all the variables which influence the response a person might have to stressor.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Congratulations! Merle Rufo Legaspi for earning the Degree of MASTERS IN NURSING Ateneo De Davao University

DDC Batch 91 congratulates! Merle Rufo Legaspi, Masters in Nursing , Ateneo de Davao University 2011

Merle with the Programmer