Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whew! I made it!

Last month I was scheduled to take the Care Giving NC -II in one of the schools in  Davao City. I was planning it for a couple of months now but not until a good friend of mine encourage me to take the assessment examination. I  got only 2 days to refresh all the Clinical procedures in nursing, again with the help of my friend  I was able to review some of it. It was a Friday when the examination took place, I was half prepared and half not quite so. I was driving on the way to the place at the same time trying to recall the steps in every procedures as fa as my mind can recall. At last I am inside the testing area, where I saw a lot of students in uniform with the school where they came from but not the same with me who happens to be had a uniform of my own. I am still wondering how I am going to pass such assessment test with a wrapping two hours of  review.  But not until the assessor came in, she was a bit late and she started to introduce herself as the best assessor for her, Oh my God! help me, this is a battle of knowledge, skills, and attitude. We were instructed to do the crutch walking procedures and the rest were performs simultaneously for the ten of us inside the Fundamental Laboratory. We had our break by 11:30pm and yet we were asked to prepare  a Diabetic diet. We  resume by 1:00 pm and the whole afternoon of assessing. And finally its a quarter to five when our assessor made all her comments on all  what she had observed for the day. Final decision!! We all Passed!and  We made it!!

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